Experts estimate an average of 250,000 hate crimes were committed each year between 2004 and 2015 in the United States. The majority of these were not reported to law enforcement.
Identify Potential Partners - Community Policing Model
Community policing is about creating and fostering partnerships within the community to combat crime, improve public safety, and respond to disorder. Combating crime, improving public safety, and responding to disorder go beyond law enforcement; everyone in the community needs to be involved in the solution. It is important to include diverse groups whose communities may be targets of hate.
Possible partners include when using a community policing model:
Develop Law Enforcement-Community Partnerships
Strong law enforcement-community partnerships are critical to preventing hate crimes. Some useful ways to begin or strengthen a partnership include:
Understand the Problem
Before a community addresses hate and bias-motivated crimes, all stakeholders need to understand the local problem. The best assessment method is the SARA model: Scanning for the problems, Analyzing the facts, Responding to reduce the problems, and Assessing the outcome of the response. The SARA model is primarily used by law enforcement to gain awareness and a better understanding of a problem. It can be applied to any situation and used by any group to address the unique issues facing the community.
Create Public Awareness
Create a community-wide public awareness campaign that provides information, awareness, and resources for community members and victims of hate crimes. The awareness campaign can range from identifying intolerance to providing resources for potential victims. See Appendix H, Organizations Offering Information Concerning Anti-Bias Education, in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines and Training Manual (Version 2.0).
Prioritize Hate Crimes
When a law enforcement agency publicly makes combating hate crimes a priority, it sends the message that discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated. This also ensures resources are devoted to the prevention and intervention of these crimes. Organizational change requires commitment, including changes in the agency management, organizational structure, personnel, and information systems. The entire agency should understand the importance of responding to hate crimes.
Invest in Training for Officers and Deputies
In addition to the training federal and state governments mandate, many law enforcement agencies train new recruits and existing personnel on hate crimes and related topics to ensure responding law enforcement personnel know how to properly investigate and report hate crimes or incidents when they occur.
Create a Special Task Force on Hate Crimes
Many cities and regions operate hate crime task forces with members from various law enforcement agencies and community representatives. Task forces help coordinate hate crime law enforcement personnel, assist victims, and strengthen law enforcement-community partnerships.