Form REG0169 Authorization for Vehicle Services - Alberta, Canada

Form REG0169, Authorization for Vehicle Services, is used in Alberta, Canada, to give authorization to someone else to perform vehicle-related services on your behalf. It allows the authorized person to conduct transactions such as renewing vehicle registrations, obtaining permits, or transferring ownership. This form is typically used when the vehicle owner is unable to personally visit the registry office.

The vehicle owner or authorized representative files the Form REG0169 Authorization for Vehicle Services in Alberta, Canada.


Q: What is Form REG0169?
A: Form REG0169 is Authorization for Vehicle Services form used in Alberta, Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of Form REG0169?
A: The purpose of Form REG0169 is to authorize someone to act on your behalf for different vehicle-related services in Alberta, Canada.

Q: Who can use Form REG0169?
A: Any individual or organization who wants to authorize someone to act on their behalf for vehicle-related services in Alberta, Canada can use Form REG0169.

Q: What services can be authorized using Form REG0169?
A: Form REG0169 can be used to authorize services like vehicle registration, driver's license applications, vehicle transfers, and other vehicle-related transactions in Alberta, Canada.

Q: Are there any fees associated with Form REG0169?
A: No, there are no fees associated with Form REG0169.

Q: How long is Form REG0169 valid?
A: Form REG0169 is valid for one year from the date it is signed.

Q: Can I revoke the authorization granted through Form REG0169?
A: Yes, you can revoke the authorization granted through Form REG0169 by submitting a written notice to the authorized person or registry agent.

Q: Can I authorize multiple individuals or organizations on a single Form REG0169?
A: No, you need to submit a separate Form REG0169 for each individual or organization you want to authorize.

Q: Can I modify the authorization granted through Form REG0169?
A: Yes, you can modify the authorization granted through Form REG0169 by submitting a new form with the updated information.


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Alberta Ministry of Service Vehicle Service Alberta Legal Forms Canada Legal Forms

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