Bonus Contract Clauses (400)

Grouped Into 25 Collections of Similar Clauses From Business Contracts

This page contains Bonus clauses in business contracts and legal agreements. We have organized these clauses into groups of similarly worded clauses.

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Bonus. In addition to your base salary, you are eligible to participate in Coupa's annual performance bonus program as established each year under the Company's incentive bonus plan. Your target incentive is currently 10% of your base salary, or $25,000. You must be an active employee of Coupa on the date bonuses are paid to be eligible for any payout.

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Bonus. In addition to your base salary, you are eligible to participate in Coupa's annual performance bonus program as established each year under the Company's incentive bonus plan. Your target incentive is currently 10% of your base salary, or $25,000. You must be an active employee of Coupa on the date bonuses are paid to be eligible for any payout.